One of the best results of completing a commission is seeing the reaction from a happy client.

This is probably not good business sense but I actually get a bigger buzz from the emotive response from a client than I do from getting paid by them!

What I always remember is that however much I might like the work a client can always turn around and say "can we just make that a little darker", or "this a little more tan in colour" so I prepare myself for that possibility.

The subjects of my work tend to have a very high element of sentimentality for the client, this feeling seems to magically fuse with their liking for the way the image has actually been drawn and painted,

Ultimately the work gains "meaning" for the client and so becomes precious to them.

It is surely my primary objective, every time, for the client to transmit "WOW!" to me, by words or even just facial expression!


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The Happy Client