Whether I like it or not, working from photos has become a major part of my working process.  Where possible, I like to take numerous reference photographs of the subject and ideally in good, natural light. (This point in itself actually requires a separate blog!)

Unfortunately, this is my no means always possible.  I have come across many different situations which block this ideal scenario:

The "surprise element" means that I cannot take any reference photos myself as the work is a Birthday or Christmas gift (most commonly). With a person this always the case, with a canine subject it is possible, though somewhat inconvenient for the client, to overcome the problem.

In the case of a canine subject, it is sometimes necessary to take photos with an element of secrecy!  Either at my home or at a "neutral" location.

Another aspect of canine work is that the subject can be unsettled by the experience at best, or, at worst, may not appreciate the presence of a strange photographer getting too close!

When the work is not a surprise gift, or a surprise gift for somebody at a third location, then I will always endeavour to get as many photos as possible.

Finally, and obviously, another major reason which stops my preferred approach is that the subject is no longer with us!

All this is based on experiences so far, there may be additional scenarios yet to be revealed!


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Working from photographs, practical issues